Hi! I’m Josie-

My wellness journey started back in 2007 when I was having trouble conceiving, because of a hormonal imbalance i was struggling with, and when I did conceive It wouldn’t last. Two years later and after 4 miscarriages I finally decided to get on a candida/hormone health program and two months later I got pregnant; I had a beautiful baby boy, and a boy/ girl twins two years later. 

This got me very interested in wellness which lead me to enroll in school and add wellness to my business, and as I started helping clients I realized that their skin cleared and improved when they cleansed as well. And that’s how my philosophy became about healing the skin from the inside out. 

A year ago i came across the AO scan, which is a Frequency device that is able to analyze the tones in your voice and send you harmonics to listen to in order to balance you out mentally and emotionally and prepare you for your day. It is also an educational tool that will scan your vitals, organs and teeth and can optimize your health and whatever is unbalanced via bioresonance therapy. 

I discovered My hair analysis device two years ago when my 9 year old at the time, was waking up with random black eyes that would last a whole week. I found the machine and thought I’d invest in it hoping it would help my son and my clients. Sure enough, by having my son eliminate the food sensitivities on his list, he was able to get rid of that eye swelling permanently.

I now incorporate these both into my health programs and this amazing technology has been very helpful as an addition to my clients programs and facials because of its ability of intensifying their mental health and overall well-being. 

My ultimate passion is helping women in their health journey in order to prepare their body for a healthy pregnancy but find so much joy in combining skincare treatments and my customized health programs to achieve the best results from the inside out. I can’t wait to work with you to feel your best!

 your beauty, holistic, wellness coach + esthetician!

Skincare Services

Let’s get you the glowing complexion you deserve. All of my facials are customized for each client and provide results & relaxation.

Wellness Services

Through my health programs, we can get you feeling clear headed, more in tune with your body and more aligned with your health goals.

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